Furquan Ameen

Furquan is a journalist and a media researcher. He has written at the intersections of politics, identity, conflict and social exclusion for prime Indian and global news outlets such as The Telegraph, IndiaSpend, Hindustan Times, The Caravan and Al Jazeera. His last stint was with Land Conflict Watch, where he led the editorial and product initiatives. Furquan has also worked as a researcher with the International Center for Journalists and been a fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford. He has presented his research at several academic conferences including the International Journalism Festival in Italy, at the UNESCO Press Freedom Day celebration in Ethiopia and at the Kabul University.




July 2024

सरकारी पक्षपात की कीमत चुका रहे हैं हाशिए पर रहने वाले सूअर पालक

गायों में गांठदार (लंपी) त्वचा रोग से तेजी से निपटने वाली सरकार ने देश भर में हो रही सूअरों की मौतों को अनदेखा किया, जिसके कारण दलित और आदिवासी किसान बर्बाद हो रहे थे। सरकार के इस पक्षपाती रवैये ने एक गहरे नीतिगत पूर्वाग्रह को उजागर किया।


July 2024

Pigs and Prejudice: Marginalised Pig Farmers Pay the Price of Government Bias

While swiftly tackling the Lumpy Skin Disease in cows, the government looked the other way as pigs dropped dead across the country, devastating Dalit and tribal farmers and exposing a deep policy bias.

Eb Tracker

April 2024

Within 48 hours of being selected to receive subsidy from Union gov’t, Aurobindo Pharma gifted Electoral Bonds to BJP

The company had also donated to BJP within five days of its promoter P Sarath Chandra Reddy’s arrest in the alleged Delhi Liquor Scam. Reddy later got bail and turned approver against Arvind Kejriwal.


April 2024

केंद्र ने संघ परिवार, भाजपा नेताओं और सहयोगियों को सौंपे 62% नए सैनिक स्कूल

रक्षा मंत्रालय के मार्गदर्शन में चलने वाले सैनिक स्कूल, भारत के सशस्त्र बलों में कैडेट भेजते हैं। हालांकि, इस नई पहल ने भविष्य के कैडेटों को प्रशिक्षित करने के का जिम्मा एक खास विचारधारा की तरफ झुके हुए संगठनों को दिया है।


April 2024

Centre hands over 62% of new Sainik Schools to Sangh Parivar, BJP politicians and allies.

Sainik Schools, run under the Defence Ministry’s guidance, send cadets to India’s armed forces. The new initiative however relies on ideologically slanted organisations to train future cadets

Eb Tracker

March 2024

BJP top pick for two Reliance-linked electoral bond donors. Donated Rs 400 crore in total

While a top Reliance official donated entirely to the BJP, a firm linked to the Group gave 91% of its donations to the ruling party.

Eb Tracker

March 2024

DMK’s full disclosure, top electoral bonds donor Future Gaming donated Rs 509 crore to the party

Election Commission’s fresh tranche of documents reveal how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin’s party received total Rs 656.5 crore in electoral bonds

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Energy companies fueling purses of India’s political parties

India’s Energy industry has donated nearly 30% of the total donations in electoral bonds. Such political donations hint at the existence of a new licence raj.

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Rithwik Projects, founded by BJP parliamentarian CM Ramesh, donated Rs 45 crore in electoral bonds

The company faced Income Tax raids when Ramesh was with Telugu Desam Party. The mining and infrastructure firm, run by his son and brother, hold key government contracts

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Environmental violations troubled Sun Pharma group donated Rs 31.5 crore to political parties

For the past few years, Sun Pharma’s drug manufacturing unit in Tamil Nadu courted allegations of environmental violations

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Uday Kotak had publicly questioned the electoral bonds scheme in 2019. Years later, his group donated money through the same scheme

Kotak group’s financial services provider firm Infina Finance donated Rs 60 crore in electoral bonds

Eb Tracker

March 2024

YSR Congress Party MP’s company donated over Rs 100 crores to political parties

Ramky group which owns the construction company has faced ED, CBI and Income Tax raids on multiple occasions

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Keventer group firm donated nearly 100 times its annual profit to political parties

Over Rs 500 crores through electoral bonds were donated by the group soon after it faced ED enquiries for an alleged disinvestment scam

Eb Tracker

March 2024

Confirmed: A Reliance Group company donated Rs 410 crores through electoral bonds

The third largest donor, Qwik Supply Chain donated Rs 360 crores to political parties in the year it made a profit of mere Rs 21.72 crores.


February 2024

भाजपा नेता आरके सिंह और राजीव चन्द्रशेखर की चेतावनी के बावजूद, केंद्र सरकार ने की त्रुटिपूर्ण कोयला नीलामी

आंतरिक पत्राचार में दोनों सांसदों ने भविष्य में घोटालों की चेतावनी देते हुए नई कोयला व्यवस्था में खामियों को उजागर किया था। उनकी आशंका बाद में सही साबित हुई।


February 2024

Despite prescient warnings by BJP leader RK Singh and Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Union gov’t went ahead with flawed coal auctions

In internal letters, the two parliamentarians had punched holes in the new coal regime, cautioning of scams in future. Their words were prophetic.


February 2024

इलेक्टोरल बांड युग का अंत, लेकिन सरकार इकठ्ठा कर रही है हर पार्टी को मिले चंदे की जानकारी

आयकर विभाग ने डोनर्स से नकद, चेक या किसी भी अन्य माध्यम से राजनैतिक दलों को दिए गए हर डोनेशन का विवरण देने को कहा है। प्रवर्तन एजेंसियों के पास जल्द ही यह डेटा होगा, लेकिन अंधेरे में रहेंगे नागरिक।


February 2024

Electoral Bonds era ends. But gov’t is now collecting details of every donation to each political party

The Income Tax department has asked donors to divulge details of all contributions made to political parties through cash, cheque, or any other mode. Enforcement agencies will soon have this data, but the citizens will stay in the dark.

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